Experienced and versatile software developer with a great passion for application development, digital communication and user experience. I love the way people interact with technology, especially when it can help them make a meaningful impact. I prefer a pragmatic hands-on approach that allows me to quickly gain experience and learn effectively to solve problems. I like to combine most of my expertise and like to be strongly focused on the details without losing the overview of the project. I also play the piano and you can every now and then find me in a studio or doing a music production.


Languages: Swift, Objective C, Js, html, php, kotlin, Java

Tools: Xcode, Android Studio, Angular, React-Native, Git, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Jenkins, Azure, Logic Pro, Ableton Live

Methods: agile software development, rapid prototyping, Object-Oriented programming, modelling, composing, CI/ CD, Reactive programming, MV*, REST

Working areas

Mobile development and consultation, app development for IOS & Android as well supporting UX, design, conception and architecture. 

Music production for film, artists and bands, mainly focussed on the electronic and classical genres.

Programming interactive installations for museums, faires and events.


T-mobile, Eltako, Wölfel, Erco, Audi, Opel, Universal, Sony, Jewish Museum Berlin, Axl Springer, Cornelsen

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